Sunday, September 20, 2015

I can statements and Metric System Videos

This post to let parents and students know what our objectives or goals are for the unit we are working on.  We are calling this unit the Scientific Method.  Here are our objectives for this unit: 

·         I can write testable scientific questions.
·         I can create a scientific investigation by making a hypothesis about the results and planning how to do the experiment.  
·         I can use measuring tools for scientific investigations.
·         I can use metric measurement tools in an investigation.
·         I can make charts and graphs from data and observations.
·         I can describe and support findings of scientific investigations with proof.
·         I can make conclusions from data from multiple trials of a scientific investigation.  

The bolded objectives were the first ones we have taken notes and a quiz on.  We reviewed those by taking notes on when to use each unit of measurement and how to use the tool that goes with the units. and by competing in the Metric Olympics (here and here). We reviewed them because we need them to do our experiments and they are used on the MAP and M-STEP tests. However, we don't use the metric system in our everyday life, so these can be hard things for students to grasp.  To help with that, I have been sending practice questions home on the back of homework about testable questions and writing a hypothesis.  And I am also providing videos for students and parents to watch at home as well.  Students can add any notes they want from the videos to the appropriate notes. 

Here is a video about the metric system units of measurement: 

Questions to discuss with your child about the video:
1. What units are used for measuring length?
2. What units are used for measuring volume?
3. What units are used to measure weight or mass? 

How to measure length using millimeters, centimeters, and meters

Questions to discuss with your child about the video:
1. Which unit of measurement is the smallest?
2. How do you measure millimeters on a ruler?
3. How do you measure centimeters on a ruler? 
4. How many millimeters are in a centimeter? 

How to measure volume of liquid using millilters, liters, and kiloliters

Questions to discuss with your child about the video:
1. Why is the graduated cylinder the best to measure the volume of a liquid? 
2. What do you need to look at before measuring the liquid?
3. What is the meniscus? 

How to measure volume of an irregular shaped object 

Questions to discuss with your child about the video:
1. How do you find the volume of the marble?

How to measure mass using a triple beam balance 

Questions to discuss with your child about the video:
1. What is the difference between mass and weight?
2. How do you use a triple beam balance?
3. How do you figure out the mass of the object? 

How to measure mass using a double pan balance

Questions to discuss with your child about the video:
1. What is the first thing you do before putting the object on the pan?
2. How do you use the double pan balance?
3. How do you figure out the mass of the object? 

I hope this helps everyone feel comfortable using the metric system measuring units and tools.  Students are allowed to redo assignments.  If after watching and discussing these videos, students would like to redo assignments please encourage them to use their original paper or get a new one from our Extra Copies bin to show their new understanding (and improve their grade).