Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Scientific Method

Last week the 5th graders started reviewing the scientific method. The scientific method is the process we use to answer scientific questions with experiments. The students have been exposed to the scientific method since 3rd grade so we aren't spending time talking about what is the scientific method.  We are spending time talking about how to use the scientific method at a 5th grade level! 
Here are our objectives for this unit:

  •  I can write testable scientific questions.
  • I can create a scientific investigation by making a hypothesis about the results and planning how to do the experiment.  
  • I can use measuring tools for scientific investigations.
  • I can use metric measurement tools in an investigation.
  • I can make charts and graphs from data and observations.
  • I can describe and support findings of scientific investigations with proof.
  • I can make conclusions from data from multiple trials of a scientific investigation. 

Below is a shortened version of our notes.  

The parts of the Scientific Method
1. Ask a Questions

  • A 5th grade testable question is formatted and written like the following:
    • How does _____________________ affect ______________________?
    • Does ___________________ affect _________________?
    • Can ____________________ affect _________________?
2. Make a hypothesis 
  • A 5th grade hypothesis is written like the following:
    • If ____________________________  then ____________________ 
                     (the thing we change called the independent variable)           (what the independent variable changes)      
                             because _________.
                                          (why we guessed that)
3. Plan the experiment
  • list materials and tools 
  • written in step by step form 
  • only change one thing, the independent variable, and keep everything else the same
  • last step is to repeat the experiment at least one more time
4. Collect and Record Results

  • what we do when we conduct (or do) the experiment 
5. Organize and analyze the results

  • Find the mean of your trials 
  • Graph the mean using a bar graph or line graph 
6. Analyze the results by drawing conclusions           

  • Rewrite your hypothesis 
  • In a complete sentence, write if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect
  • Using proof from your graph, explain why your hypothesis was correct or incorrect
  • In a complete sentence, explain what you would do next time to improve your investigation (nothing is an unacceptable answer)
Study Tips:
  • Have students make a question about observations they have at home. 
  • Have students write a hypothesis from testable questions  
  • Have students practice writing directions that need to be followed like recipes or how to _______________