Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Irregular Dive and Metric Quiz Dates

Today and tomorrow is our second to last event in our Annual Metric Olympics!
Today we measured how much space an irregular shaped object took up in our Irregular Dive.  

We measured water in our graduated cylinder before we put the object in and then again after we put the object in.  Then subtracted the 1st measurement from our second measurement to get the volume or how much space the yellow object took up.  
For example: 83 ml-72 ml= 11 ml is the volume of an object 
(not our actual object in the dive, I wouldn't give anything away!) 

Our first quiz is coming up in science class!!!!
5A, 5B, and 5C is on Tuesday, Sept. 8 
5D is on Wednesday, Sept. 9

**Remember!  NO SCHOOL FRI., SEPT. 4 AND MON., SEPT. 7!!!**