Science Notebook

 We collect notes, show learning, and do experiments using our science notebook.  We keep our science notebook with us so that we can study at home before test (students are not allowed to use notes during tests) and use it as reference when doing independent work.  Mrs. M will update the pictures of the notebook as we add to our notebooks. 

This is where I will upload example photos of our science notebook for students to reference. 

An example of the cover 

Inside front cover with the rubric and title page 

Page 2- science goals for each trimester and Page 3-Table of Contents 

Pages 4 and 5-Table of Contents 

Page 6-Table of Contents and Page 7-Notebook Basics  
Page 8-List of Sentence Stems and Page 9-1st Experiment 

Page 10-Lab Safety Procedures and Page 11-Lab Safety Procedures (the way we show our learning)
Back of notebook is our Glossary 



Glossary and About the Author page 
Page 12 and 13-Lab Tools 

Page 14-Metric System and Tools and Page 15-Measuring Length

Page 16-Measuring Mass and Page 17-Measuring Volume 

Page 16-Measuring Mass (with foldable up)

Page 18-Measuring Volume and Page 19-Measuring Volume of an Irregular Shaped Object
Glossary-with the term Volume defined
Page 20-Measuring Temperature and Page 21-The Scientific Method

Page 20 showing what is under the flap of the foldable 

Page 21-A Testable (or Scientific) Question 
Page 23-How to Write a Hypothesis 

Page 23-How to Write a Hypothesis 

Page 24-How to Write a Hypothesis-Identifying Independent Variable

Page 24-How to Write a Hypothesis-Identifying the Independent Variable

Page 25-How to Write a Hypothesis-Identifying the Dependent Variable
Page 26-How to Write a Hypothesis-Identifying the Dependent Variable
Page 26-How to Write a Hypothesis: Identifying the Dependent Variable  and 27- How to Write a Plan for an Experiment
Page 28-How to Organize and Analyze Data: Finding the Mean 
Page 29- How to Organize and Analyze Data: Graphing the Mean Part 1

Page 30- How to Organize and Analyze Data: Example Bar Graph 

Page 31- How to Organize and Analyze Data: Graphing the Mean Part 2

Page 32-How to Organize and Analyze Data: Example Line Graph 
Page 33- How to Draw a Conclusion

Page 34-Organs 
Page 35-Digestive System 
Page 36-Circulatory System 

Page 37-Respiratory System 

Page 38-The Skeletal System 
Page 39-The Muscular System 

Page 40-The Nervous System  
Page 41-The Excretory System 

Page 42-The Reproductive System 
Page 43-Inherited Traits

Page 44-Acquired Traits
Page 46-Adaptation List and Definition

Page 46-Adaptation List and Definition (inside notes)
Page 47-Physical Adaptations

Page 48-Behavioral Adaptations

Page 53- Reasons for Extinctions 

Page 54- Fossils