5C Writer's Notebook

This is our writing notebook for 5C.  This notebook stays in the classroom unless an assignment needs to be completed at home.  Mrs. M will update the pictures as we add to our notebooks. 

The cover 

Inside front cover and Page 1-Title Page

Page 2-Writing Goals and Page 3-Table of Contents 

Page 4-Table of Contents and Page 5-5th Grade Writing Standards

Page 6-5th Grade Writing Standards and Page 7-About Me Map

Page 8 and 9- 99 Journal Topics
Inside back cover-About the Author page 

Page 10-The Writing Process and Page 11-Examples of Pre-Writing (updated)

Page 12 and 13-Grammar Rules 

Last Page-Pre-write for my first narrative story (due 9/2)
Page 14-Narrative Story Line and Page 15-Transitional Words 

Second to Last Page-My Version of a Fairy Tale pre-write
Page 16-More Transitional Words and Page 17-Introductions

Page 18-Conclusions and Page 19-Great Word Choice

Page 20 and 21-Great Word Choice

Page 22-Great Word Choices and Page 23-How to Spice Up My Writing Part 1
Page 24-How to Spice Up My Writing Part 2 and Page 25-Tips for Revising 

Page 26-Editing Tips and Page 27-Symbols for Editing 

Page 28-Tricky Words to Spell and Page 29-Tips for Editing Other's Work 
Page 30-Comparing Narrative and Persuasive Writing

Page 31-Format for Persuasive Writing 

Page 32 and 33- Class Persuasive Writing Example

Page 34-Class Persuasive Writing Example
Page 35- Compare and Contrast Persuasive and Research Writing
Page 36-Tips for How to Research