Sunday, December 13, 2015

Traits Extra Credit

We are beginning our unit on inherited and acquired traits.  Below are the standards (objectives or topics) that we will be studying this unit:

·         I can explain that traits of an individual are influenced by environment (acquired) and genetics (inherited).
·         I can identify inherited traits are passed on from parents to their young.
·         I can identify acquired traits are influenced by environmental conditions.

·         I can distinguish (tell the difference) between inherited and acquired traits. 

Students are encouraged to continue their learning at home and share with their parents.  To encourage that home and school connection, I am offering extra credit.  To receive the extra credit the students AND parents need to do the following:
  • Students need to play 1 review game from here
  • Parents and students discuss one of the questions from the game 
  • Student write down the question and discussion 
  • Parent initial and date what they student wrote 
  • Student turn it in to Mrs. Mitchell for 5 points on their lowest score for a traits assignment INCLUDING their post (end of unit) test 
The extra credit is due by January 22, 2016.