Thursday, December 17, 2015

Science Fair

It's that time fair!  Earlier this week students were given our school's science fair informational packet.  The packet includes all check points and due dates.  Here is a brief overview of the science fair that I gave the students.

The science fair project is just like our investigations (labs or experiments) that we do in class.  We have completed two lab report sheets in our science notebook about two investigations about paper airplanes and exercise.  Science fair is just like completing our lab reports just on a bigger space.  Instead of one sheet of paper in our notebook, your information from your experiment will be on a tri-fold board.  An example of a finished project is below.

The science fair experiment MUST INCLUDE: 
  • a testable question
  • hypothesis 
  • plan (materials and procedure)
  • graph showing data from experiment 
  • conclusion 
  • photos 
I will have check points for each part of the science fair experiment to make sure students understand what they are doing and that they are doing things at a 5th grade level.  Below are the dates of the checkpoints along with THE due date. 

Due Date
Testable Question
Friday, January 8
Friday, January 15
Materials and Procedure Check #1
Friday, January 22
Materials and Procedure Check #2
Friday, January 29
Evidence of Progress (video, parent email, written description, video, or parent phone call)
Friday, February 5
Graph Set Up
Wednesday, February 10
Friday, February 19
Science Fair Project Board
Monday, February 29