Thursday, October 29, 2015

Trip Around the World feels good to get back into our writing routine.  We dedicated our writing time to our big Trip Around the World event.  What is Trip Around the World?  Well, here at our school Trip Around the World is an exhibit of what each grade learned about another culture and country.  We take about a month of the year to research a different country than ours.  We write research papers or make posters enticing you to go visit that country.  We take time to learn about another culture than our own.
The whole thing ends with our Trip Around the World night.  We decorate our whole hallway to represent the country, we plan activities to showcase cool things from that country, and we eat delicious food from that area.

5th grade focused on Costa Rica this year.  This holds a special place in my heart.  Check out my time in Costa Rica here.  It was fantastic to share my former home with some of my favorite people, my students and their families.

Without further ado, here are the pictures from Trip Around the World exhibit.