Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Author's Chair

As I mentioned in our Trip Around the World post, it feels sooooooooooooo good to be back in our writing routine.  This week we jumped into revising older work and next week we will learn how to edit our personal writing as well peer's writing.

We also got to us Mrs. M's chair for the original purpose that I bought it for....the Author's Chair.  To encourage pride in their work and help them put more effort into their writing I bought a tall chair that sits at the front of the room for students to read their writing.  And today we finally got to use it for that purpose!  And the kids were so excited to have their turn!

I was so proud of my kids, they were so engaged in the author's story and offered words of praise afterwards.  Here is evidence of our first experience with the Author's Chair.

We can't wait to use it again tomorrow!