Friday, August 14, 2015

1st Week of School = DONE!

Well, we did it!  First week of school is in the books!  And what a week it was!  

This week we did a lot of practicing procedures and reviewing concepts we learned in 4th grade science.  

We played a game that is similar to Headbands with vocabulary words from 4th grade as well as science tools bingo.  

On Thursday, we reviewed our procedures by playing our own version of Family Feud.  Then on Friday we did our first experiment!  It was designed by one of our own 5th graders!  It allowed us to get accustomed to having a job when doing experiments as well as the general format of our labs.

Next week, we are planning on getting our science notebooks ready and starting our first set of notes about lab safety and science tools.  Check back soon for photos!