Sunday, August 9, 2015

Welcome to 5th Grade!

Welcome to the new school year!  I am looking forward to getting to know you!  Check out the About Mrs. M page to learn more about me.  

This blog will be used to display what were are doing and keeping you updated on things in our classroom and school.  Please check this out on a regular basis. 

There is always a lot of information at the beginning of the school year so you can use this site for many of those items.  

Below is a list of the supplies that will be needed for science and some specifically for my homeroom (5C).

supply list for science
For individual:
·         Planner (will use the same in all classes)
·         1 folder
·         Regular #2 pencils
·         1 subject spiral notebook or composition notebook (student’s choice)
·         suggested: pencil bag, extra erasers
For Homeroom:
·         1 box of tissues
·         1 bottle of hand sanitizer
·         1 subject spiral notebook
·         1 1 in. binder and dividers
Donation List:
·         whiteboard cleaner
·         crayons, markers, or colored pencils
·         scissors, glue
·         loose leaf paper
·         New or used books to help build our classroom library (5th Grade appropriate)
·         Zip lock bags (gallon, quart, and sandwich)
·         Construction paper
·         White copy paper
·         Extra pencils and erasers